Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Video: Eric Schmidt's (Google's Executive Chairman) views on 2014

So what does Eric schmidt think about 2014? what would go big next year and what will get lost forever in 2014? During an interview with Bloomberg, Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google shared his outlook for 2014 trends. According to him, The biggest change that has come is the emergence of mobile devices.

The trend has been that ‘mobile was winning,’ ” Schmidt said. “It’s now won.” He also added that smartphones and tablets are already outselling traditional PCs. Well he does seem to have same view as the late apple chairman Steve jobs. When asked about his biggest mistake, he did not hesitate to say that they could not anticipate the social networks and the fact that they would grow by this much. Well, had they known it earlier, we might have google+ from the start instead of an orkut or a Google Buzz.

Source: Bloomberg

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Internet Slangs and Acronyms

Internet slang consists of slang and acronyms that users have created as an effort to save keystrokes. Terms have originated from various sources including Bulletin Boards, AIM, Yahoo, IRC, Chat Rooms, Email, Cell Phone Text Messaging, and some even as far back as World War II. Tired of all those internet slangs and acronyms you see everywhere. With people writing in SMS lingo, IM lingo and what not, its impossible to keep track of all these words.  Are you searching for a specific word, are you parent of a teenager or just curious to try and learn these words. We have tried to help out here by providing a list of these slangs and Acronyms. IAC (In Any Case), HTH (Hope this helps)!!!

List of internet slangs and their meanings:

2moro Tomorrow
2nite Tonight
AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned
AFAIKAs Far As I Know
AFGOAnother F***ing (or Fabulous) Growth Opportunity
AFKAway From Keyboard
AISI As I See It
AKAAlso Known As
ANFAWFOSAnd Now For A Word Word From Our Sponsor
ANFAWFOWS And Now For A Word Word From Our WEB Sponsor
ASAFP As Soon As Friggin Possible
ASAP As Soon As Possible
AWGTHTGTTA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again
AWGTHTGTTSA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This s**t Again
B4 Before
B4N Bye For Now
BAKBack At Keyboard
BBLBe Back Later
BCNU Be Seeing You
BCNU Be Seeing You
BF / GFBoyfriend / Girlfriend
BFDBig F***ing Deal!
BFF Best Friends Forever
BFNBye For Now
BFOBlinding Flash of the Obvious
BK Bo Knows
BNF Big Name Fan
BOBuffer (Brain) Overload
BOHICABend Over, Here It Comes Again!
BOKYAGBend Over and Kiss Your A** Goodbye
BOTBack On Topic
BRBBe Right Back
BRB Be Right Back
BTByte This!
BTSOOMbeats the stuffing out of me
BTSOOM Beats The s**t Out Of Me
BTWBy The Way
BTW By The Way
BTWBOBe There With Bells On
CD9Code 9 - means parents are around
CIS CompuServe Information Service
CUSee You
CUL Catch You Later/See You Later
CUL8R See You Later
CWYL Chat With You Later
CYA Cover Your As* or See Ya
DBEYR Don't Believe Everything You Read
DDD Direct Distance Dial
DHYB Don't Hold Your Breath
DILLIGAD Do I Look Like I Give A Damn
DILLIGAS Do I Look Like I Give A Sh**
DITYIDDid I Tell You I'm Distressed?
DQYDJ Don't Quit You're Day Job
DYSTSOTT Did You See The Size Of That Thing
EFLAExtended Four Letter Acronym!
FAQFrequently Asked Question
FCFingers Crossed
FCFSFirst Come First Served
FE Fatal Error
FEARF*** Everything And Run
FIIOHF*** (or Forget) It, I'm Outta Here
FMVFull Motion Video
FOADF*** Off And Die
FTASB Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
FTL Faster Than Light
FUBARF***** Up Beyond All Recognition
FUCTFailed Under Continuous Testing
FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation
FWIWFor What It's Worth
FYIFor Your Information
FYI For Your Information
FYM For Your Misinformation
GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
GIWISTGee, I Wish I'd Said That
GMTAGreat Minds Think Alike
GR&D Grinning Running & Ducking
GR8 Great
GTGGot to Go
GTRMGoing To Read Mail
HAK Hugs And Kisses
HHO1/2KHa Ha, Only Half Kidding
HHOK Ha Ha, Only Kidding
HIOOC Help! I'm Out Of Coffee!
HSIKHow Should I Know
HTHHappy To Help
HTH Hope This Helps or Happy yo help
HUAHeads Up, Ace
IAC In Any Case
IAEIn Any Event
IAE In Any Event
IANA...I am not a ...
IANAC I Am Not A Crook
IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer
IAO I Am Outtahere
IBCNU I'll Be Seeing You
IBKIdiot Behind Keyboard
IBTDI Beg To Differ
IDKI don't know
IFABCTE I Found A Bug, Call The Exterminator
IIRCIf I Recall Correctly
IITYWTMWYBMADIf I Tell You What This Means Will You Buy Me A Drink
IITYWTMWYBMADIf I Tell You What This Means Will You Buy Me A Drink?
IITYWTMWYKM If I Tell You What This Means Will You Kiss Me
IITYWTMWYLMA If I Tell You What This Means Will You Leave Me Alone
IIWMIf It Were Me
ILFI'll Look Forward
ILSHIBAMF I Laughed So Hard I Broke All My Furniture
ILSHIBMSI Laughed So Hard I Broke My Stitches
ILY I Love You
IMCOIn My Considered Opinion
IMHOIn My Humble Opinion
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHOIn My Not So Humble Opinion
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMOIn My Opinion
INALI'm Not A Lawyer
INPO In No Particular Order
IOWIn Other Words
IRCInternet Relay Chat
IRLIn Real Life
ISO In Search Of
ISP Internet Service Provider
IYKWIMIf You Know What I mean
J/KJust Kidding
JFYIJust For Your Information
KISSKeep It Simple Stupid
L8R Later
LD Long Distance
LDTTWA Let's Do The Time Warp Again
LLTA Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause
LMAO Laughing My As* Off
LMKOAPLet Me Know Of Any Problems
LOELLaugh(ing) Out Extremely Loud
LOLLaugh(ing) Out Loud
LSHHTCMS Laughed So Hard, Had To Change My Shorts
LTIP Laughing Till I Puke
LYLAS Love You Like A Sister
MHOTY My Hat's Off To You
MIL-TFD-41Make It Like The F*****g Drawing For Once
MLMailing List
MMPMore Money, Please
MorFMale or Female
MOSMom Over Shoulder
MTFBWY May The Force Be With You
NBDNo Big Deal
NFWNo F****** Way
NIMBY Not In My Back Yard
NMUNot much, you?
NoobNewbie - often an insult to somebody who doesn't know much about something.
NOYBNone Of Your Business
NP No Problem
NRNNo Reply Necessary
NUB New person to a site or game
NYCFS New York City Finger Salute
OATIS On A Totally Irrelevant Subject
OATUS On A Totally Unrelated Subject
OAUS On An Unrelated Subject
OBTW Oh By The Way
OI Operator Indisposed
OIC Oh, I See
OMG Oh My God
OMIK Open Mouth, Insert Keyboard
ONNA Oh No, Not Again
ONNTA Oh No Not This Again
OOHOut Of Hand
OOTBOut Of The Box
OOTC Obligatory On Topic Comment
OT Off Topic
OTLOut To Lunch
OTOHOn The Other Hand
OTOOH On The Other Other Hand
OTSH On The Same Hand
OWTTE Or Words To That Effect
OZ Australia
P911Parent Emergency
PAWParents are Watching
PIRParent In Room
PITAPain In The Arse
PMFJIPardon Me For Jumping In
PMJIPardon My Jumping In
POSParent Over Shoulder
POVPoint Of View
POV Point Of View
PRWParents Are Watching
PSXSony Playstation
PTBPowers That Be
PUThat Stinks!
RBTL Read Between The Lines
RBTL Read Between The Lines
RMLRead My Lips
RMM Read My Mail
ROFLRolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLWMPRolling on the Floor Wetting My Pants
ROTFRolling On The Floor
ROTFLRolling On the Floor Laughing
ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My As* Off
ROTFLOLRolled on the Floor Laughing Out Loud
ROTM Right On The Money
RSN Real Soon Now
RT Real Time or Retweet
RTFMRead The F***ing Manual (or Message)
RTMRead The Manual (or Message)
S2RSend To Recieve (pictures)
SEPSomeone Else's Problem
SGIShe'd Get it!
SH Sh** Happens
SITDStill In The Dark
SITD Still In The Dark
SLAPSounds Like A Plan
SNAFUSituation Normal- All F***** Up
SOI Sit On It
SOLSmiling Out Loud
SOL Sh** Out of Luck
STBY Sucks To Be You
SWAK Sealed (or Sent) With A Kiss
SysOp System Operator
TAFL Take A Flying Leap
TANJThere Ain't No Justice
TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Than A Free Lunch
TBHTo Be Honest
TDTM Talk Dirty To Me
TFH Thread From Hell
TFN Thanks For Nothin'
THX or TX or THKS Thanks
TIAThanks In Advance
TIC Tongue In Cheek
TISEC Tongue In Someone Else's Cheek
TLA Three Letter Acronym (such as this)
TLC Tender Loving Care
TLTBTToo Ludicrous To Be True!
TM Trust Me
TMI Too Much Information
TPTBThe Powers That Be
TSRTotally Stuck in RAM
TSR Terminate and Stay Resident
TTFNTa Ta For Now
TTT That's The Ticket
TTYL Talk To You Later
TWHABThis Won't Hurt A Bit
TxsThanks or Texas
TYVM Thank You Very Much
VBG Very Big Grin
VI Village Idiot
VPLVisible Pantie Line
WarezPirated Software
WDIPME Where Did I Put My Excedrin
WEG Wicked Evil Grin
WGAFS Who Gives A Flying Squat
WGFF?Who Gives A Flying Flood?
WICWhere I'm Concerned
WIMPWashed-up Information Media Phobe
WIT Wordsmith In Training
WMG Wheres My Glasses
WOBWaste of Bandwidth
WRTwith respect to
WTFWhat the F**k?
WTFIGOWhat The F*** Is Going On?
WTHWhat The Heck (Hell)
WTHDTIM What The Hell Do These Initials Mean
WTSDS Where The Sun Don't Shine
WYSIUWYW What You See Isn't Usually What You Want
WYSIWYGWhat you see is what you get
WYWH Wish You Were Here
XOXO Hugs and Kisses
YAMYet Another Meeting
YCHTYou can have them
YGBK You Gotta Be Kiddin'
YMMVYour Mileage May Vary

Samsung Teases New Exynos - To be Showcased at CES 2014

Its that time of the year. Everyday is busy celebrating holidays and time with their families. New year is at the doorsteps and with the New Year,  CES is also right around the corner - just days after New Year’s Eve. The International CES is a global consumer electronics and consumer technology tradeshow that takes place every January in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tech companies and journalists will be flooding the halls in Las Vegas to attend the event. Samsung has already started teasing the people with its teasers.

The Latest in the an Teaser message posted by Official Samsung Exynos Twitter Account.A tweet sent out Friday, hints that something is coming for the Exynos line during CES 2014.

Samsung Exynos Processor CES 2014

Samsung’s been using an #UnlockExynos hashtag in its tweets for the past fortnight. These have been tied to a contest the company’s running, and in explaining that offer it notes “the contest will run through the 2014 International CES conference in Las Vegas, where we will release information about how Exynos is ‘pioneering way-ahead mobilization.' So What could be coming from Samsung next year at CES?

Well , Our Guess is, it could be either of the two :

1. Exynos 64 Bit Chipsets:

 A few months ago, Apple announced the iPhone 5s with the world's first 64 bit mobile chipsets. It wasn’t too long after that that companies such as Samsung and even Qualcomm revealed that they were also working on 64-bit chipsets. There were rumours that this could be used with Samsung flagship of Next year Galaxy S5.

2. Exynos HMP Update

The Second possibility is  that Samsung will introduce a heterogeneous multi-processing update for existing Exynos 5 Octa chips .This update can possibly turn the Samsung Exynos 5 into a true octa-core chip with all 8 cores active at once, like the MediaTek MT6592. Currently, the big.LITTLE architecture on the Exynos 5 allows only one set of four cores to be active at a single time and it is not a true Octa Core processor.

Samsung Exynos

Friday, 27 December 2013

Samsung Galaxy S5 rumored to be launched at MWC 2014

After Reports came that LG G3 might be launched at Mobile World Congres 2014 at Barcelona, Rumors are going around which suggest that Samsung's 2014 Flagship Samsung Galaxy S5 might be launched during MWC 2014 as well. Rumors and leaks regarding Samsung Galaxy S5 continue to emerge at a breathtaking and this latest one suggest that Galaxy S5 would be launched much earlier than expected by analysts and Consumers.


For a few days now, we are hearing rumours about Samsung's latest flagship S5. Some of the Rumours took center stage courtesy the Samsung like The Announcement of Exynos chips at CES , Las Vegas or bringing 4 GB Ram to mobile phones. Rumors also suggested that the Galaxy S5 could be coming with a handful of big time features including a large QHD display, 16MP camera, Android 4.4 KitKat, and a design that could be made out of metal, plastic, or both.The Galaxy S5 is almost certainly in testing, an earlier rumor suggested that AT&T itself is currently testing a possible variant, ahead of launch. Adding more fuel to this burning hot topic, is an latest news from inews 24, a Koran Daily. according to this report, Samsung Galalxy S5 could be launched at MWC. Also according to the report in the daily, this information was obtained by by an vice president of Samsung Electronics Design team. But as with other leaks, we will currently take with a grain of Salt now, but seeing how Galaxy S4 was launched in March 2013, Samsung might move the date a bit ahead to february. We will keep you updated about any rumours on any confirmed leaks, images.

Samsung starts mass production of Galaxy S5's display

Another News breaks out for Samsung Galaxy S5. This is one of the most awaited smart phones of 2014 and Samsung is expected to show us what the latest in mobile technology can be.

Samsung Displays

 According to report, the Device would feature a 5.25" display with QHD Resolution (2560X1440). The device hence is expected to be launched with an unbelievable 560 Pixels Per Inch (PPI)! The report also claims that Galaxy S5's display would have the same Diamond Pixel arrangement similar to what was seen on last year's flagship Galaxy S4 and Note 3. Just to remind you for Diamond Pixel arrangement- Green pixels are interleaved with alternating red and blue pixels, but with each red and blue pixel shaped like a diamond for increased sharpness and pixel density. 

Samsung Diamond pixel

The reports also says that the mass production of these dispalts has already started and the Galaxy S5 is expected to laucnched with these displays around feb/march 2014. Seeing how other rumors also point to a same type of device, we will have to put atleast some credibility to these one but as always, take these with a grain of salt.


Thursday, 26 December 2013

Got your christmas gift delivery late? Amazon will Compensate you

Its Christmas and holidays and all of us want our Gifts to be delivered to our loved ones on time. After all there is no fun opening your gift from your grandma on 27th! Well, after reports came in of the delays in delivery by FedEx and UPS, inspite of Amazon's pledge, it seems Amazon is taking steps to  woo its disgruntled customers.

Amazon to Compensate for Late christmas deliveries  

LG G3 Leaks and Rumours - Everything that is known

LG was an outsider in the smartphone arena until recently when they made Nexus devices and their own flagship G2. With G2, LG finally had a phone that can hold its own against the flagship devices from the likes of samsung , sony, HTC or Apple. But the sales of G2 were nothing in comparison with Samsung galaxy S4 or Iphone 5S. So What will LG bring out next year to trump these? I, for one was impressed by LG G2 and would love to see G2 as LG seems to be heading in the right path with this.

LG G3 leaked specifications

Samsung Galaxy S5 Metal Frame Leaked

Finally we have some leaked images of New Samsung Galaxy S5. A new set of images allegedly showing a structural component of Galaxy S5, has been spotted online.
Samsung Galaxy S5 (Metal)  - Leaked Images

The French News site, Nowhereelse has posted a bunch of images of the alleged Galaxy S5's metal frame. This does point us to the fact that Samsung Galaxy S5 would indeed be launched in a metal frame. The dimensions of the phone according to the leaked source has been mentioned as 149mm X 72.27mm. Also, from the frame, it is evident that the display of Galaxy S5 would definitely be bigger than that of Galaxy S4.

Samsung Galaxy S5 - Metal Design

The News site also speculates that Samsung might launch the rumoured Galaxy S5 by February next year which is in-line with our earlier reports which predicted a MWC 2014 launch of Galaxy S5. The leaked images of the metal frame reveals that Samsung is finally answering all the critics who said plastic was well plastic. This can help company to make more people switch from Apple Eco-system to android and mark another successful device in its Galaxy S line

The physical button ports on the leaked metal frame (volume and power) are placed similar to the ones found on the other Galaxy smartphones, so there are no major surprises there. The placement of Camera Module is however different and it seems to be seem whether this will be similar to one on Galaxy S4 ( with bunmped up megapixel count though) or a completely new design! 

We would advise you, however to take this all with a grain of salt now, but leaked images often turn out to be very similar to actual devices. Also,  in many cases , these are just clever photoshops or one of the many prototypes that company might be testing which can be drastically different than the actual device. 


Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Google Santa Tracker

So Google has launched its own Santa Tracker. Previously we had seen trakcer from NORAD which was keenly followed by children around the world and had become a christmas tradition

Nexus Q Gets Android 4.4 Kitkat

So do you remember nexus Q? It is an orb-like media streaming device, which sort of makes it the predecessor of the Chromecast. Google unveiled Nexus Q  last year at the Google I/O, and recently Google removed it from play store. Inspite of the product failing to take off, many users still have Nexus Q and they were stuck with ICS. However, now it seems like the old Nexus Q can be given a fresh lease of life.

Nokia Lumia 929 (Unannounced) - Leaked Photos

So What's new? Another Nokia ?Device leaked before its actual release. The latest Nokia lumia phone to have been leaked before its actual announce date or any other official announcement is Nokia Lumia 929. Read More to find out.

Nokia Lumia 929

Samsung Galaxy S5 to be launched in Metal

So, it is finally becoming true. There has been constant rumors going around which suggests Samsung using "Premium Materials" for their flagship phones. Now as we are nearing the launch of Samsung Galaxy S5 Mobile, rumours are surfacing that the Galaxy S5 will be launched in atleast one premium metal version. There are multiple rumours going around which suggests that one the flagship might be launched in all metal casing.

Samsung Galaxy Line - Galaxy S5 Concept by Tobias Hornof 
A lot of the these rumors and leaks appear to be focussing on the chassis of the Samsung Galaxy S5,with them claiming that with Samsung Galaxy S5, company will finally move away from Polycarbonate/plastic based body to a Metal based body. A samsung official said that the company is currently taking a look at metal and other premium build materials for its flagship phone. An important factor in this decision making is that  how quickly and efficiently Samsung manufacture the product. Even though Rivals such as HTC have beautifully designed flagship phones, but Samsung is able to move the maximum phones of the shelves and the easily available plastic based material had an important role. Since the Galaxy S flagships are getting more popular each year, the Samsung Galaxy S5 demand is expected to outmatch the one of its predecessor, so its is expected that Samsung will not completely move to a Metal based design, instead we are more likely to see two versions of Galaxy S5 mobile- one with full aluminium body and other will standard Poly-carbonate design.

Anyways, there is still lot of time before these hit the market, so we can take this with a Grain of salt now, but yes the old saying does hold true - " there cannot be smoke without fire" . Keep reading this section for more updates.

Read More:
1. Android Geeks
2. EMSOne

Samsung Galaxy S5 (rumored) supposedly leaks in GFX benchmark

Samsung Galaxy S5 is next iteration of  the company's Flagship Galaxy S line of smartphones. The device is expected to be launched in March 2014 but leaks have started to surface for Galaxy S5. Previously, We had seen Galaxy S5's specifications leaked on Antutu benchmark.  The device mentioned in the benchmark is SM-G900F, rumored to be next Galaxy S5. The device has 1080p display which surprised many as S5 is expected to be launched with QHD resolution.

After Antutu, A device rumored to be upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5 has now leaked for GFX benchmark. This time the device is Samsung SM-G900S, a yet unknown devices with a 2K (2560 x 1440 pixels). It is powered by a quad-core Snapdragon 800 processor clocked at 2.5 GHz witfh a Adreno 330 GPU, which is most likely to be MSM8974AC chip, even though it is mentioned as MSM8974 in the benchmarks.

Samsung Galaxy S5 GFX Benchmark

 So, what is happening here? We have two devices on two benchmarks both rumored to Samsung Galaxy S5. Well, this adds fuel to the rumour that there might be two variants of Galaxy S5 - SM-900F with 1080p display is the cheaper version of the Galaxy S5 while the SM-G900S could be the premium model. All these are rumours and supposed to be taken up with a grain of salt, but we can see that a lot of leaks have started to emerge of Samsung Galaxy S5 which means device could be launched in next 2-3 months (fingers crossed!)

VR Zone

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Facebook Dislike Button is finally here

So finally Facebook dislike button is here. This has been one of the persistent demands of the facebook users since long times and it seems that facebook is finally listening up to its users. Well, not entirely true but only to a certain extent.

Facebook Dislike button

Nokia Lumia 2520 - Creepy new Ad

Well I know marketing is a tricky subject and the range and breadth of techniques that the companies apply to market their products is breathtaking. So, here is another new ad for Nokia Lumia 2520. Some would call this different, some creative and some even disturbing or creepy. Well for once I do thinks its a good concept and a bit creepy ( I like creepy )

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Samsung Galaxy S 5 Specs leaked by Antutu Benchmark

Another Leak for Samsung Galaxy s5. This time it is leaked via Antutu benchmark. The latest leak however, is slightly different as it suggests two major changes - An Full HD screen instead of previously rumored 2k Screen and an Snapdragon 800 processor under the hood.

One of the expected Galaxy S5 variants, the SM-G900F, has once again shown up in a benchmark, this time on AnTuTu’s benchmark database. We have seen previously the benchmarks a few months before release gives us a good idea about the specs of the smart phones. However, looking at the benchmarks, it’s entirely possible we’re looking at an early prototype and final hardware isn't ready just yet .Samsung SM-G900F is widely believed to be the official product name of the international Samsung Galaxy S5 variant, the latest leaks have hinted that the Samsung Galaxy S4 could retain its 1080p Full HD display and this has given rise to the possibility that this is just an early prototype of Samsung Galaxy S5 and not the finished product.

Also, the previous rumours has suggested that S5 will be launching with Exynos chip which would either be HMP or 64 Bit. However, the benchmark suggests that S5 will be launched with a a 2.5GHz quad-core Snapdragon 800 processor.

Aside from the lack of a 2K display and new Snapdragon CPU, the latest Samsung Galaxy S5 specs leak is a pretty familiar affair, backing up recent claims of another high-end Android powerhouse.

With Google’s latest Android 4.4 KitKat OS tipped to run the show, the leaked benchmark has claimed the Samsung Galaxy S5 will play host to 3GB of RAM, an Adreno 330 GPU and a 16-megapixel rear-mounted camera. However, we expect to take all this with a grain of salt as benchmark even if true points to an old prototype of Samsung Galaxy S5

While a 2-megapixel secondary snapper is tipped to sit up front, the Samsung Galaxy S5 specs sheet will reportedly be rounded off by 32GB of internal storage. And yes, as usual this will have external memory card storage option as well.


Opera Max Beta - Compress Maximun Data

Opera has announced Opera Max, a free and easy-to-use app that can save you data on your limited data plan by compressing video, images and text used by your device. This means that you can use your favorite apps, browse your favorite sites and use less data while doing both. 


Saturday, 14 December 2013

Microsoft Build 2014 Confirmed - Registration information

Microsoft Build is Back!  One of the biggest events from the software Giant, this is a platform to share updates and talk about what's next for Windows, Windows mobile, Visual Studio, and more.
According to Microsoft, Developers can create new experiences to reach hundreds of millions of devices on people’s desks, in their pockets and in their living rooms. Sounds interesting? Then check out the link below to see you can attend it or not. Registration for Microsoft BUILD 2014 is set to kick off on January 14th at noon Eastern time (9 am Pacific).Interested? check out the link below for next year's registration and also the link for Build 2013. And yes, be ready to shell out $2095 for attending the event! 


Saturday, 30 November 2013

Samsung's 2014 Flagship phones to come with WQHD Screen

I am always wondering what's Next for mobile displays.  I mean can they improve on what we have on Galaxy S4, HTC One or LG G2. With the spec war heating, especially in the android arena, What more cna companies bring to their displays. Seems like days of 1080p are over. Samsung is all set to launch its flagship devices next year (Galaxy S5 or Galaxy Note4 ? ). Samsung will be launching flagship devices in 2014 with AMOLED displays that have a pixel density of 560ppi and a resolution of 2560 x 1440 (2K or WQHD) – which means your standard 5-inch+ smartphone displays will be even sharper than they are now. Would be able to see nay difference? I am not sure but I do think the difference would be easily visible while reading books, browsing web pages. If you think that is overkill, the 2015 phones will have 4K displays!

The news comes from Samsung’s Analyst Day event in Korea, 


Samsung Analyst Day

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Google I/O 2013: Hangouts App Confirmed For Google Glass

Yesterday during the three hour keynote at Google I/O 2013, the company revealed Hangouts, a cross platform messaging app that unifies most of its communication services. The Hangouts app replaces Google Talk, Hangout video chats and Google+ Messenger, rightly so as it allows users to video chat, share images or simply chat with an entire group or one person on either iOS, Android or Chrome.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Google I/O 2013: Major Redesign of Google Maps

Today at Google I/O 2013 the company showed off some significant changes that they have made to Google Maps. The popular maps service has been built from the ground up for desktop users and it features a new user interface. Browser user interface elements are no longer in the way, the map spreads from one edge of the screen to the other. In the upper left hand corner there’s a search box for entering queries, which offers suggestions on its own.

Google I/O 2013 : Use Google Wallet to send money over Gmail

Google has integrated two of its products in to one another, presenting end users with an entirely different way of sending money online. Google Wallet has now been integrated with Gmail

Google I/O 2013: Google Unlocked Galaxy S4 with Stock Jelly Bean

Google just dropped a pretty big surprise during its opening day I/O keynote. It's taken the wraps off a new edition of Samsung's Galaxy S 4 that runs stock Android Jelly Bean. The device itself is fully unlocked and packing LTE support for AT&T and T-Mobile, along with 16GB of storage.

Google I/O 2013 - What to expect

Google’s big annual developer conference kicks off on Wednesday 15th May 2013. Last year brought us, among other things, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and Google Glass-wearing skydivers falling through the sky to San Francisco’s Moscone Center. What will this year’s event hold? 

Google I/O 2013 - Announcements

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Olympus E-P5 Revealed

After a series of leaked photos and specifications, Olympus has finally taken the wraps off their latest mirrorless camera system, the Olympus E-P5. The camera as far as its looks are concerned, is pretty spot on when compared to the leaked photos, and as expected, the leaked specifications once again held true for the most part. For those hearing about the E-P5 for the first time, here’s what you can expect from the camera.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

LinkedIn launches redesigned iOS, Android apps

Business and professional networking site LinkedIn recently purchased news reader Pulse and has followed up that acquisition with a major update of its iOS and Android app. Not only is it their first big update for the site in two years, it also is designed to take advantage of the big numbers of mobile users LinkedIn is getting.

Linked In update

Turn PowerPoint presentations into Cool Videos with PPT2DVD Pro

Who doesn't want to show the poweprpoint presentations to family or friends. But Microsoft's format is not very friendly when it comes to these tasks. would it not be easy if you could burn your PPT into  DVD and share it with anyone you want. If you'd like to free your PowerPoint presentations from the confines of Microsoft PowerPoint, say hello to Wondershare's PPT2DVD Pro. This application greatly simplifies the task of converting your PowerPoint content into a video file that you can burn to DVD, share on the Web, or view on numerous portable devices.

convert PPT to video

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Twitter Ads introduce Keyword Targeting

Twitter will leave no stone unturned to woo advertisers. Turning tweet content into a “first-class citizen” of its advertising arsenal, Twitter has introduced keyword targeting for advertising on the micro-blogging website. Essentially, Twitter’s ad partners will now be able to target their ads based on the content of your tweets.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

HTC One - Complete Review

The HTC One is the latest HTC flagship smartphone announced just before MWC at a press conference in NYC. Some say it is the last hope for the sinking ship named HTC, while soem feel it is the best android device till date and probably best smartphone ever. So How Good is it. Read More to Find out.

HTC One Complete Review

Google Glass - Tech Specs Revealed

Google announced its Google Glass Explorer Editions were beginning to ship in waves to their respective buyers, but what exactly will $1,500 get these selected pioneers? Keep Reading to find out

Google Glass Review

The Google Glass Explorer Editions will have a 5MP camera capable of taking video up to 720p, has 16GB of internal storage (12 GB of "usable memory" that syncs with Google cloud storage), feature 802.11b/g and a display that will be equivalent to a 25-inch HD screen if you’re standing 8 feet away from the TV. Most importantly is its battery, which Google says will last the user a full day with typical use, although Hangouts and video recording may quicken its battery drain.

An all-day battery is probably one of the most important things for the Google Glass, which is probably why the device only uses 802.11b/g as supporting 802.11n may eat at its battery too much. For the device just being a pair of glasses with a small computer attached to it, these specs are pretty impressive, especially its 16GB of internal storage.

Google Glass

The Internet-connected glasses allow wearers to check messages, take photos or video and surf the Web by using a variety of voice commands. Google has yet to announce when Glass will be available to the general public. 

Google is keeping a lid on what developers can do. For now, Google's developer terms of service mean no advertisements in Glass clients, no data can be used for ads or data and you can't collect payments. Google Glass apps must use official Google distribution channels. The moves are the opposite of the Wild West ways of Android. On the surface, this makes sense. Why? Glasses are more personal from a device perspective. Google doesn't want any horror stories with Glass.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Pantech Vega Iron Coming on April 18 - Takes on Galaxy S4

Nowadays, Android phone manufacturers are setting their sights on Samsung as their Galaxy S series seem to be the smartphones to beat. Pantech is certainly no stranger to the Android smartphone scene as they released a number of handsets over the past couple of years, but they’re announcing an upcoming device is expected to be the company’s flagship smartphone to take on the likes of the Galaxy S4 and the HTC One.

YouTube For iOS App Adds Live Streaming Support

When Coachella streamed its concerts on YouTube this weekend, iOS users may have been disappointed to discover that the YouTube app didn't support live broadcasts. Now, Google is adding live event streaming to iOS, albeit a little late

YouTube For iOS App Adds Live Streaming Support

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Wireless Router Buying Guide

Are you still using the router that your Internet service provider gave you? If so, you might not be getting the best results possible. You only really notice them when they aren't working right: wireless routers.With so many wireless routers available on the market offering so many different features and advertised speeds, selecting the right router for a home or business can be challenging.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Nvidia demonstrates next generation Kepler Mobile graphics

Nvidia chief executive Jen-Hsun Huang showed off the company’s next-generation mobile chip, dubbed Kepler Mobile. Speaking today at the company’s investor day, Huang said that Nvidia made a huge investment in transforming its high-end Kepler family of PC desktop graphics chips so they can run on mobile devices.

Mobile Gaming

Facebook Home Now Available On Select Android Phones

Facebook Home, a skin of Android that can further transform your phone into a social hub, is now available to download on select smartphones including the Samsung Galaxy S III, HTC One X, and more.
Facebook Home

Curved, colorful, cheaper ‘iPhone Mini’ and iPhone 5S : Analyst

Topeka Capital Markets analyst Brian White issued a research note today indicating that a cheaper ‘iPhone Mini’ would be announced in June along with the next version of the iPhone 5, the 5S, and shipped in July.
The ‘iPhone Mini’ is not actually expected to be smaller than an iPhone 5 — except in price — but will have a curved back casing constructed with colored plastic, White says, and should be priced somewhere between $350 and $400, as opposed to iPhone 5′s $700 to $900 price tag. Naturally, there will be deals with carriers to get the phones for “free” with wireless plans.

Samsung Galaxy Mega - The Biggest Smartphone

We knew Samsung was planning more devices, but we didn't expect the arrival of two Galaxy Mega smartphones at the same time. Both are apparently headed to Europe some time next month, continuing to prove that Samsung are willing to test out any size. Size does matter, huh?

Samsung Galaxy Mega is official and comes in 63 and 58inch sizes

Twitter Music iOS App Currently Available For ‘Influencers

Twitter recently announced it had acquired We Are Hunted, which is a music startup based in San Francisco. The acquisition had many believing a Twitter Music service would soon be launched, which actually has happened, but unfortunately for the average person, there’s no way you can use it right now.

Twitter Music iOS App Currently Available For Influencers

Friday, 12 April 2013

Switch back to Firefox's old download manager

Firefox 20 adds a handy new Download button. If you're a Firefox user, you may have noticed a few changes in the latest version of Mozilla's browser, which "turned 20" last week. Among them: a new Download Manager.

How to switch back to Firefox's old download manager

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

ZTE Geek Officially Announced

At the Intel Developers Forum in Beijing, China, today, ZTE debuted the ZTE Geek, a 5-inch handset featuring a 2GHz Intel 32nm Atom Z2580 processor. The 2.0Ghz Clover Trail+ Processor is said to be twice as fast for computing and thrice as fast for graphics. It also consumes less power then Intel’s previous processor.

ZTE Geek